OnePlus 10 Pro gets featured in Metaverse for virtual unboxing experience: Watch video

The world of Metaverse is expanding and Amazon and OnePlus are the latest to join the bandwagon. The companies have come up with a plan to provide an unboxing experience from within the virtual world. Users can go to Decentraland to unbox the OnePlus 10 Pro.

A teaser video shared by Amazon India shows what the experience will look like. The OnePlus 10 Pro can be unboxed in Decentraland, a metaverse platform that lists various events. Users can log in or Create an account on Decentraland to experience the OnePlus 10 Pro virtual unboxing.

In the unboxing experience, you will witness a dramatic unboxing of the OnePlus 10 Pro. You will be able to watch the design in a 3D model. You’ll also be able to flip it around to view the details of the device.

Additionally, OnePlus showcases the highlights of the OnePlus 10 Pro. The avatar of the user can move to different sections of the Metaverse facility to view the display, the battery and the new HyperBoost Gaming Engine.

OnePlus India claims that “The video allows consumers present across geographies to experience an exclusive unboxing of OnePlus flagship smartphone, seamlessly. It highlights how OnePlus is leveraging new age tech platforms to make it’s premium experience more accessible to the digital savvy community, especially millennials and Gen Z.”

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