Hug Quotes for Everyone Who Needs a Hug

These hug quotes show just how much you can communicate through hugging. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and while it’s not a popular saying like that, a hug can communicate more than words can as well.

Hugs are both a way to celebrate and a way to provide comfort without saying a single word. 

Why are hugs so powerful?

Hugs are good for family members, your significant other, children and yourself. It can be a powerful way to communicate a feeling with someone else.

Sometimes there just aren’t words that can get across the message that you want to share and yet a simple hug can handle it all. 

Enjoy this curated list of the best hug quotes and sayings. And don’t forget to share your opinion in the comment section below once you’re done reading.

Don’t forget to also check out our collection of cuddle quotes that will have you looking for someone to squeeze.

Quotes about the power of a hug

1. “A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back right away.” – Bil Keane

powerful Hug Quotes

2. “Feel the presence of love wrapped up within a hug.”  – Robert M. Hensel

Hug Quotes about love

3. “Hugs are the universal medicine.” – Unknown

beautiful Hug Quotes

4. “A hug makes you feel good all day.” – Kathleen Keating

Hug Quotes to make you feel good

5. “Where I live if someone gives you a hug, it’s from the heart.” – Steve Irwin

heartfelt Hug Quotes

6. “There’s something in a simple hug that always warms the heart. It welcomes us back home and makes it easier to part.” – Johnny Ray Ryder, Jr.

7. “I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words.” – Ann Hood

8. “With age, you get to a place where you don’t want to knock people out. You just want to give people a hug.” – Vin Diesel

9. “Everybody needs a hug. It changes your metabolism.” – Leo Buscaglia

10. “A hug a day keeps the demons at bay.” – German Proverb

11. “Hugs can do great amounts of good – especially for children.” – Princess Diana

Hug quotes for when someone you love gives you a hug

12. “Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.” – Jacques Prevert

13. “Ken, my husband, just smelled like he belonged to me. I’m not talking about hygience. I’m talking about when you hug him, he either feels like a member of your tribe or not. It’s their scent.” – Erica Jong

14. “Having a child, that’s huge. I get to go home and hug my daughter. That’s the greatest thing in the world.” – Nick Foles

15. “When the right person hugs you, it’s like medicine. I’m so grateful for those few people in my life who are good for my soul.” – Steve Maraboli

16. “The good part of having six kids is, there’s always one who wants to hug you and say, ‘Daddy, I love you.’” – John McEnroe

17. “Getting people where they want to go, reliably and happily, can make or break their ability to succeed in a work endeavor or to hug a family member at an important moment.” – Oscar Munoz

18. “Some moments can only be cured with a big squishy grandma hug.” – Dan Pearce

19. “However long a hug lasts, it doesn’t last long enough.” – Kyle Schmalenberg

20. “When I come home, my daughter will run to the door and give me a big hug, and everything that’s happened that day just melts away.” – Hugh Jackman

21. “Laughter with those that understand us is music for the soul. A hug at the right moment and a kind shoulder to lean on, Is the sprinkle of magic that keeps us walking towards hope.” – Mimi Novic

22. “A few weeks after my mom passed in November of 2013, I came back from an injury and entered the Egg Bowl in the second half against Ole Miss. I’ll never forger the feeling when I walked back out on the field. As I walked into the Egg Bowl, the crowd stood up and clapped like they were enveloping me in a giant hug.” – Dak Prescott

23. “If you’re angry at a loved one, hug that person. And mean it. You may not want to hug – which is all the more reason to do so. It’s hard to stay angry when someone shows they love you, and that’s precisely what happens when we hug each other.” – Walter Anderson

24. “Mama hugs me and I hold her back. Sometimes all you can do is hold on.” – Jasmine Warga

Don’t forget to also read these romantic freaky quotes to share with your bae.

Hug quotes on when to give one

25. “A hug is an amazing thing. It’s just the perfect way to show the love we’re feeling but can’t find the words to say.” – Johnny Ray Rider

26. “The world is a mess. It seems that life gets harder on a personal level each and every day. Hug and kiss those you love every day You never know when the tragedies of this world may visit your life.” – Kevin Nash

27. “Be a love pharmacist: dispense hugs like medicine—they are!” – Terri Guillemets

28. “I love meeting people, and I know it’s so difficult for people to come up to me and introduce themselves, so when they do, I’ll grab them and hug them. It makes their day, you know? I love that, and I get positive energy from that.” – Nicola Formichetti

29. “Hugs and kisses are ways to express what cannot be said.” – Kacie Conroy

30. “When you are hugging a child, always be the last one to let go. You never know how long they need it.” – Unknown

31. “A hug is a wonderful thing. It’s a marvelous gift to share. It’s a grand way to say; ‘I care.’ A hug communicates support, security, affection, unity, and belonging. A hug shows compassion. A hug brings delight. A hug charms the senses. A hug touches the soul.” – Unknown

32. “Sometimes a silent hug is the only thing to say.” – Robert Brault

33. “Sometimes all you can do is hug a friend tightly and wish that their pain could be transferred by touch to your own emotional hard drive.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

34. “That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.” – Deb Caletti

35. “The first thing I do each morning is get out of bed and give my dog, Audrey, a hug. She’s a Jack Russell. I think having an animal is a wonderful thing, particularly dogs. They are great levelers, there’s no nonsense with them, and they just want simple affection.” – Donatella Versace

Don’t forget to also read these I miss you quotes to fill that loneliness in your heart.

Hug quotes that will make your day

36. “Hugs are one of the reasons God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to someone today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to the soul of the recipient.” – Unknown

37. “A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance.” – Proverb

38. “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” – Virginia Star

39. “I love hugging people. I still hug everybody in my meet-and-greet lines.” – Taylor Swift

40. “There’s nothing like a mama-hug.” – Terri Guillemets

41. “I don’t ever wanna come across too intimidating, so as long as I look like you can come up and give me a hug, that’s good.” – Jessica Simpson

42. “I will not play tug o’ war. I’d rather play hug o’ war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs. Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug. Where everyone kisses and everyone grins and everyone cuddles and everyone wins.” – Shel Silverstein

43. “Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them, so that even an enemy would give them help at that age?” – Desiderius Erasmus

44. “I wish I could just hug you all, but I’m not gonna.” – Layne Staley

45. “Children are not unforgiving. You can punish them and they will hug you in a few minutes.” – T.D. Jakes

46. “I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time.” – Drew Barrymore

47. “You know, sometimes the world seems like a pretty mean place. That’s why animals are so soft and huggy.” – Bill Watterson

48. “You know, food is such – it’s a hug for people.” – Rachael Ray

49. “I’d love to have a big old hug with Richard Simmons.” – Blake Shelton

50. “Laughing together is as close as you can get to a hug without touching.”  – Gina Barreca

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More hug quotes and sayings

51. “They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.” – Bil Keane

52. “I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.” – Maya Angelou

53. “A hug is worth a thousand words.” – Charles Caleb Colton

54. “The best gift you can give is a hug: one size fits all and no one ever minds if you return it.” – Marge Piercy

55. “When you hug someone, never be the first to let go.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

56. “Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone’s personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them.” – Natalie Portman

57. “Sometimes it’s better to put love into hugs than to put it into words. Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley

58. “The mystery of God hugs you in its all-encompassing arms.” – Hildegard of Bingen

59. “My mom smiled at me. Her smile kind of hugged me.” – R. J. Palacio

60. “Hug me and you will see the moon. Love me and I will bring the moon to you!” – Kelly Clark

Hug quotes that are a little different from the rest

61. “Hug the shore; let others try the deep.” Virgil

62. “Once the bear’s hug has got you, it is apt to be for keeps.” — Harold MacMillan

63. “Eating something fresh out of the oven is like a hug you can taste.” — Regina Brett

64. “Like the hug of someone who matters when it’s cold and you wanted to look nice, not warm.” — Sarah Millican

65. “Girdles and wire stays should have never been invented. No man wants to hug a padded bird cage.” — Marilyn Monroe

66. “If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you.” — Peter Marshall

67. “Being able to give someone a hug from the heart, it’s healing. It’s healing for yourself and healing for others, and we need a lot of that.” — Big Show

68. “The thing is, I’m used to handshakes. Every time someone comes for a hug, I’m very confused. I’m told that I give out the worst hugs, too.” — Naomi Osaka

69. “As I look back and connect the dots, all I want to do is go back and hug my scared young self, who took a lot of steps out of impulse not knowing what will happen.” — Arfi Lamba

70. “I went on safari and there were all these lion cubs rolling around like cats and they were so cute and I just wanted to hug them! But you can’t coz you’ll get eaten… It was really hard!” — Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Hug quotes to share with someone you love

71. “i want to / stay curled and cosied / and chocolated….forever / in my mother’s arms.”   -Sanober Khan

72. “Hug while you can.”  -Jay Woodman 

73. “Sometimes a hug is all that you need.”  -Avijeet Das 

74. “An only cure for certain pain is an affectionate, pauseful, warm hug.”  -Meghna Sodha 

75. “I love it when I hug someone, and just when I’m about to let go. They hug me even tighter.”  -Nitya Prakash

76. “I find it astonishing that in 2020, a smile or a hug has become an act of revolution.”  -Kara D. Spain 

77. “I knew then that this hug had been the greatest teacher of my young life.”  -Meara O’Hara

78. “When I hug you I feel home!”  -Avijeet Das 

79. “Your biggest critic and hater is likely yourself. Give yourself a hug.”  -Richie Norton 

80. “If I could make everything better with a hug, I’d hug you the whole day until it was all okay.”  -Dhaneshwar Dutt 

Short hug quotes

81. “A hug is always the right size.” — Winnie the Pooh

82. “Hug is my mother’s word for affection.” — Roberta Indiana

83. “You can never have too many books or too many hugs.” — Gina House

84. “A hug is a smile with arms, a laugh with a stronger grip.” — Terri Guillemets

85. “Hugs are one of the most beautifully human things we can do.” — Brenda Knight

86. “My mama always told me there are few things a good hug can’t cure.” — J.T Gessinger

87. “A hug delights, warms, and charms. That must be why God gave us arms.” — Lashana Harney

88. “Putting your love into hugs is much more effective than putting it into words.” — Maria Bastida

89. “If you have loved ones today you should hug them. Memories cannot be hugged.” — Maria Bastida

90. “The most inexpensive gift you could receive that could fit all sizes and can be exchanged is a hug.” — Maria Bastida

Other beautiful hug quotes

91. “The hug that lasts longer even after it was let go if from our mothers.” – Maria Bastida

92. “Hugs aren’t like pieces of pie. Plenty of hugs to go around.” – Bernie Mac

93. “A hug is the shortest distance between friends.” – Unknown

94. “Have you hugged someone your appreciation today?” – Terri Guillemets

95. “Giggle until you cry

Hug without asking why” – Terri Guillemets

96. “Hugs are great gifts… The only wrapping is arms!” – Bil Keane, Family Circus 2007

97. “Hug Department:  Always Open” – Unknown

98. “You can’t wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug.” – Unknown

99. “Never wait ’til tomorrow to hug someone you can hug today,

Because when you give one, you get one right back your way.” – Unknown

100. “She had a lot of hugs to give, but not enough people to give them to.” – James Patterson

Hug quotes to make you feel cozy

101. “Hugs make you feel psychologically more secure and together.” –Leo Buscaglia

102. “We can bring positive energy into our daily lives by smiling more, talking to strangers in line, replacing handshakes with hugs, and calling our friends just to tell them we love them.” –Brandon Jenner

103. “So many of us have loved ones and people we really care about, and the only time we show affection is when they are gone. I have preached at funerals, and you see loved ones who didn’t even say hello to dear ones when they were alive. Give them hugs, kisses while they are alive and need it.” –George Foreman

104. “I’ll put it out there: I love getting hugs.”  –Nicole Kidman

105. “I wanted a good relationship with my mother, and I realized I had a choice: Either I could spend all my time angry that she didn’t give me the hugs I thought I needed, or I could understand that she hugs differently. It’s not a spread-open-the-arms, ‘come here’ hug. She hugs by sheltering me from her worries.” –Chandra Wilson

106. “I can use all the hugs I can get.” –Ron Cephas Jones

107. “I need that hug from my mom. She’s the Latin mother that hugs you and says all these sweet things to you in Spanish. It’s just comforting. She also gives me that strength.” –Diana Lopez

108. “I am all for free hugs that make people happy.” –Tejaswi Madivada

109. “Hug your mom. Hug your mom and thank your mom.” –Brian Tyree Henry

110. “Every touch and hug that I got from my grandmom and mom was therapeutic.” –Saira Banu

Comforting hug quotes

111. “Cute is when a person’s personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.” -Natalie Portman

112. “Hug your loved ones, there is always an insurmountable amount of strength a single hug can bring.” -SmilingPen

113. “Hugging is a silent way of saying ‘you matter to me.’” -Author Unknown

114. “A hug that gives you butterflies in the stomach, is everything.” -Pawan Rawal

115. “One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love, and they hug you back even tighter!” -WordsOfHeartNZ

116. “The best place in the world is inside a hug.” -J Quest

117. “When you hug someone you love, you don’t just use your arms, you use your heart, too.” -Author Unknown

118. “He always held her closer to his heart to keep her warm. After all, he was her summer on frigid cold days!” -Shilpa K

119. “Hugs are like fire extinguishers. It can save lives.” -Nancy Arora

120. “Share. Care. Hug like a bear.” -Amy Leigh Mercree

Which of these hug quotes resonated with you best?

Hugs are a simple thing that don’t need to be overthought. If you find yourself in a situation with a person that is grieving, sad or just feeling down, it may be difficult to come up with the right words to say.

That’s the perfect time to simply offer a hug. Or if you are overjoyed with something that someone just shared and are excited for them, you can offer a simple hug.

A hug takes very little effort on your part but it can communicate a big message. However, remember that there are some people that are uncomfortable with hugs so make sure you know that they are receptive to it before you go hugging everyone. 

Did you enjoy these warm hug quotes? Which of the quotes is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below.

The post Hug Quotes for Everyone Who Needs a Hug appeared first on Everyday Power.

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