70 Color Red Quotes To Express Yourself

No matter what hue you prefer, these awesome red quotes undoubtedly prove that the color red is one of the best choices.

Different hues and colors have various meanings and representations. Some symbolize love, hope, and passion, while others are often associated with loneliness, sadness, and grief.

People also see colors in different ways. Some love deep, dark hues while others prefer bright and vibrant shades.

But despite their meanings and symbolism, colors make the world a better and lively place. Not just black or grey, colors such as red add so much variety to life.

The color is sometimes associated with love and passion. In some cases, it also symbolizes strength, power, danger, courage, and dominance, which makes it a mysterious yet highly-loved color shade.

These red quotes will tell you why this is one of the best colors to choose from.

Don’t forget to also check out these color blue quotes to delight the senses and spark creativity.

Color Red Quotes About Fashion

1. “There is a shade of red for every woman.” – Audrey Hepburn

Color Red Quotes for women

2. “Nothing attracts attention like a red dress.” – Laura Bush

Color Red Quotes about dresses

3. “I want to be different. If everyone is wearing black, I want to be wearing red.” – Maria Sharapova

Color Red Quotes about dressing

4. “Lipstick can glam up a whole look, especially in red.” – Rihanna

Color Red Quotes about lipstick

5. “As she always did on any really important day, Penelope Hayes wore red.” ― Anna Godbersen, The Luxe

Red Quotes that will make your day

6. “Life is simple, it’s either cherry red or midnight blue.” – Lou Gramm

7. “Never has it been inappropriate for a girl to wear a red dress.” ― Caroline George, The Vestige

8. “Put on your red shoes, and dance the blues.” – David Bowie

9. “When in doubt, wear red.” – Bill Blass

10. “Red goes with everything and red goes with nothing.” – Chloe Thurlow

11. “She’s wearing a tight red sweater and a red skirt and enough makeup to scare a hooker.” – Kathryn Stockett

12. “Candy apple red is my favorite color. It’s a powerful color to wear. It’s always been that way I’ve always been really attracted to that color.” – Carly Rae Jepsen

13. “She’s applying her lipstick; I’ve always believed that the universe invented the color red solely for Latinas.” – Junot Diaz

Beautiful red quotes about love

14. “I’m in love with red. I think it’s such a passionate color. Every flag of every country pretty much has red in it. Its power, there’s no fence sitting with red. Either you love it or you don’t. I think it’s blood and strength and life. I do love red. I love all colors. Great shades of blue, you find them in nature. They are all magic.” – Bryan Batt

15. “With a smile that glowed Celestial rosy red, love’s proper hue.” – John Milton

16. “In my mind, I see all of my passionate memories in bright, burning Red.” – Taylor Swift

17. “Red is the great clarifier bright and revealing. I can’t imagine becoming bored with red it would be like becoming bored with the person you love.” – Diana Vreeland

18. “Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.” – Taylor Swift

19. “Wear red and just be silent, don’t even whisper by yourself; you will see that you will be heard easily because red always speaks on behalf of you! By wearing red, you give your tongue and voice to red color!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

20. “There is certainly a red for everyone.” – Christian Dior

21. “Stronger than alcohol, vaster than poetry, Ferment the freckled red bitterness of love!” – Arthur Rimbaud

22. “When I haven’t any blue, I use red.” – Pablo Picasso

23. “Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m schizophrenic, and so am I.” – Oscar Levant

24. “I write to create red in a world that often appears black and white.” – Terry Tempest Williams

25. “He says I’m beautiful as a red tomato.” – Jeanne DuPrau

26. “Red protects itself. No color is as territorial. It stakes a claim, is on the alert against the spectrum.” – Derek Jarman

27. “I always liked red. It’s a picker-upper. Red, of course, is the color of the interior of our bodies. In a way it’s inside out, red.” – Anish Kapoor

28. “Our love is like a red, red rose… and I am a little thorny.” – Jim Carrey

Inspirational Red Quotes About Happiness

29. “Red is a strong, happy, optimistic color, and I like having fun with it, you know? Like, when colors clash – I love that strangeness.” – Victoria Beckham

30. “Red is the first color of spring. It’s the real color of rebirth. Of beginning.” – Ally Condie

31. “Red lips like a living, laughing rose.” – Adela Florence Nicolson

32. “Red is for fire red is for love too it lies in our hand what we wanna choose.” – Shivangi Lavaniya

33. “He tried to imagine the sound of the color red.” – Pete Hamill

34. “Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.” – Bill Blass

35. “Bet you don’t know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.” – Axel

36. “Pink gives me love that would even make red blush.” ― Anthony T. Hincks

37. “The Amity exchange smiles. They are dressed comfortably in red or yellow. Every time I see them, they seem kind, loving, free.” ― Veronica Roth, Divergent

38. “When in doubt, make a red painting.” – Kay WalkingStick

39. “Roses aren’t red, the detail is.” ― Dominic Riccitello

40. “Pink colors my world red!” ― Anthony T. Hincks

Passionate Red Quotes

41. “Red blood is just so hard to clean up” “You would know” I snap remembering Shade. “Because no matter how hard you try to hide it, I see it all over your hands” ― Victoria Aveyard, Red Queen

42. “A monster, some called her. But in the shadows, only said in whispers, she was an angel in red.” ― Emory R. Frie, Enchanted Forest

43. “If hot red is for anger and rage, pink is the color of a soft burning – hot enough to light up the dark corners of sadness and grief, but cool enough to be tender, innocent, open.” ― Ibi Zoboi, American Street

44. “Your veins are using up the redness of the world.” ― Frank O’Hara, Meditations in an Emergency

45. “Wintering over geraniums with their pale green ginkgo leaves─ they have not died, and neither has she, but the blooms are gone, and every part of her longs for red.” ― Anne Fall, Rosa Scriptum

46. “The sky inside my head never turns blue. It if forced to stay red. By the demon, who is yellow inside me.” ― Akshay Vasu

47. “All my life I’ve pursued the perfect red. I can never get painters to mix it for me. It’s exactly as if I’d said, “I want Rococo with a spot of Gothic in it and a bit of Buddhist temple” – they have no idea what I’m talking about. About the best red is to copy the color of a child’s cap in any Renaissance portrait.” ― Diana Vreeland

48. “Any cat may stare into a fire and see red mice play.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords

49. “The lesser grindstone stood alone there in the calm morning air, with a red upon it that the sun had never given, and would never take away.” ― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

50. “When I was out on the battlements it was cool and I could hardly hear them. I sat there quietly. I don’t know how long I sat. Then I turned round and saw the sky. It was red and all my life was in it.” ― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

Famous red quotes for everyday

51. “Today I wear red and I truly let go, losing my way and finding my soul.” – Shilpa Ahuja

52. “A red dress gives the confidence to walk out, the freedom to live and the power to conquer.” – Shilpa Ahuja

53. “My mind goes into party mode when I wear red!” – Shilpa Ahuja

54. “Xander Harris: Hair. Red. Red is good. Fire engines are red. Porsche’s are red.” – Christopher Golden, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

55. “The red carpet can hide more than just blood stains.” – Anthony T. Hincks

56. “You in the mood for some red?” – Unknown

57. “Designers want me to dress like spring, in billowing things. I don’t feel like Spring. I feel like a warm red autumn.” – Marilyn Monroe

58. “Looking up at that starry sky gave him the creeps: it was too big, too black. It was all too possible to imagine it turning blood-red, all too possible to imagine a Face forming in lines of fire.” – Stephen King, It

59. “People write stories about the damsel in distress. If only Cinderella had a red dress in her closet, she wouldn’t need a prince to save her.” – Unknown

60. “Loving him was red.” – Taylor Swift, Red

Red quotes that will make you feel something powerful

61. “Love and a red rose can’t be hid.” — Thomas Holcroft

62. “Red has always been my color, because red stands out.” — Ravyn Lenae

63. “Difficult choices, unlike red wine, rarely improve with age.” — Richard N. Haass

64. “Blood is blood and it’s all red. Show me what’s in your heart and in your eyes.” — James Frey

65. “I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.” — Anne Carson, Autobiography Of Red

66. “The spirit of arrogance most definitely makes you shine. It paints a bright red target on your own forehead.” — Criss Jami, Killosophy

67. “In Asia, red is the color of joy; red is the color of festivities and of celebration. In Chinese culture, blue is the color of mourning.” — Vincent Tan

68. “The shiny red color of the soles has no function other than to identify to the public that they are mine. I selected the color because it is engaging, flirtatious, memorable, and the color of passion.” — Christian Louboutin

69. “The true color of life is the color of the body, the color of the covered red, the implicit and not explicit red of the living heart and the pulses. It is the modest color of the unpublished blood.” — Alice Meynell, The Colour Of Life

70. “We live in an age, in an era where there is so much negativity, there is so much violence in the world, there is so much unrest and people are at war, that I wanted to promote the word love and red signifies love.” — Elton John

What did you learn from these red quotes?

During Valentine’s Day, red colors are almost everywhere. Red roses, hearts, and balloons are all around, which impart the message of love, commitment, and passion.

On the other hand, red can also be associated with blood, which can give the message of danger, anger, suffering, and grief.

To tone down the strength that the color red brings, some designers and artists usually combine it with light colors to produce works of art that are lighter.

The color red is best mixed with white to produce a pink shade, as well as yellow, grey, blue, and green. Nevertheless, it still has a tinge of strength, power, and domination.

No matter how you see the color red in terms of symbolization, this strong shade is indeed a powerful one.

What’s your biggest takeaway from these color red quotes and sayings? Do you have any other favorite quotes to add? Let us know in the comment section below.

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